CommUnity Tips And Articles
Not Allowing Your Past Deteriorate Present
Most of us have occurrences of the past that have influenced our present. When we allow that occurrence deteriorate our present that is when we come into a host of issues. Belief in your mission is essential in moving forward and not letting destructive thought, speech, or action consume your everyday life.
Our past informs us. It definitely doesn`t dictate. We may have seen what is in front of us before, but never through the same lens. The first CornerStone of Engagement is Perpetual Learning. not just because Mental is the first element of life but because it affords you new opportunities at every turn of life. It allows a fresh start. It allows you to suspend judgement even though everything you`re experiencing may be completely familiar. Perpetual Learning gives you a new objective. It allows you to look for something that you might not have known. You are able to look at every situation as new opportunity to learn. Then, after you learn, you share.
Have an awesome day. Do not allow your past to deteriorate your present. BACK TO ALL ARTICLES «
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